My local Farmoor Reservoir in Oxfordshire can host some very nice waders, usually either heading north in spring, when they are in a hurry to get to their breeding grounds and do not remain for more than a day or two or heading south in late summer and autumn when they are more relaxed and often linger for a number of days.
Below is a by no means comprehensive selection of images of various commoner waders I have encountered and photographed over the years at Farmoor. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Behind every one lies a story, not just a picture, and that for me is the charm of it all. One glimpse and I am transported back as if it was only yesterday
Richly coloured individuals virtually in the full splendour of their hugely
attractive breeding plumage as they pause on their way northwards to the
Arctic Circle.They were in the company of the less well marked individuals
shown in the first three images below |
The above three images show not so well coloured Sanderlings on their spring
migration to the Arctic Circle. Note the variations in plumage colour and intensity
but overall whiter appearance.Their moult could either not be so well advanced as the
brighter individuals shown or they just will not get any brighter than this. Such
breeding plumage variation is a well known characteristic of Sanderlings |
This was an aberrant individual on its Spring migration in normal summer
plumage apart from abnormal white feathering on its head and neck |
The above five images show Sanderlings on their southward autumn migration
when the plumage is worn and abraded and much of the breeding colour is lost
or faded due to wear. They will soon moult out of this plumage into a white and
grey winter plumage |
A Juvenile Knot.Juveniles have grey upperparts attractively
scaled white or buff and a peach coloured
blush to their lower breast |
Officially this bird's correct name is Red Knot. It's obvious why! |
The above three images show an adult Knot on its spring migration.This
individual is in full breeding plumageand showing the rich rufous face and
underparts and chequered upperparts that it has already moulted into
from its grey winter plumage |
The same full summer plumaged Knot as above with another individual that was
accompanying it and possibly in its second year of life when they do not acquire
the richly coloured breeding plumage of a full adult.Often such birds do not
migrate north but this bird is obviously doing just that or at least has got to
Farmoor but still has a long way to go to its breeding area in the Arctic Circle! |
The probable second calendar year Knot. Note the virtually complete lack of
rufous pigmentation to the plumage |
Ringed Plover
Adult Ringed Plovers on their southward autumn migration and still in full
breeding plumage when they are a very smart bird indeed |
Juvenile Ringed Plovers. Note the neat fresh feathers delicately
fringed with buff, the lack of bright orange on the bill and legs,
lack of any band on the forehead and brown not black facial and
breast bands |
Little Ringed Plover
An adult Little Ringed Plover in Spring.This could be a migrant going
further north to breed in Britain or a bird breeding on one of the many gravel
pits around Farmoor. This is an adult male, told by its prominent yellow
eye ring and well marked black bands on its head and upper breast.Note also
the thinner and entirely black bill compared to a Ringed Plover |
Above three images Dunlins on their Spring migration in full breeding plumage which they rapidly
moult into from their grey winter plumage,Dunlins are by far the commonest
wader visitor to Farmoor especially in late summer/autumn |
Above three images
Adult Dunlins on their return autumn migration when their plumage is worn,
and consequently much darker looking and less colourful |
A Dunlin in complete juvenile plumage and yet to show any sign of moult into
its grey feathers of winter |
Above three images
These show juvenile Dunlins with a varying commencement of moult into
the grey feathers of their winter plumage |
Juvenile Dunlins which can show a bewildering variation in plumage but usually
show the beginnings of their moult from streaked brown juvenile plumage to
winter plumage, as evidenced by the presence of a few grey feathers on the
upperparts.The above two images show individuals in complete juvenile
plumage |
Black tailed Godwit
A Juvenile Black tailed Godwit of the race islandica which breeds in Iceland.
Its age can be told by the neat fresh feathers and scaly appearance to the
upperpartsand dull brownish orange wash to the neck and breast |
Little Stint
All images are of various juveniles in fresh plumage in autumn as they migrate
south.They will rapidly moult into an overall duller grey winter plumage
I have never seen an adult Little Stint at Farmoor |
Curlew Sandpiper
Juvenile Curlew Sandpipers.They are probably the most irregular of the commoner wader species to show up at Farmoor and are by no means annual. I have never seen an adult here, only juveniles in some autumns |
Juvenile Dunlin left and juvenile Curlew Sandpiper right showing the slightly larger size of the Curlew Sandpiper. Note also the latter's neat scaly plumage pattern on the upperpart, longer legs and slightly downcurved bill giving it an
elegance denied to the dumpier Dunlin |
Common Redshank
An annual migrant in both Spring and Autumn, sometimes in small groups.
This was a juvenile in late summer at Farmoor |
The above three images show a juvenile male Ruff
Ruff (male) behind and Reeve (female) in front. Note the different coloured
legs of the male (yellowish green) and female (grey) |
The juvenile male Ruff on the left and a juvenile female Reeve on the right.
Note the obvious disparity in size |
Juvenile Ruff on autumn migration.The smaller bird is the female called a Reeve the larger a male. Both have brown scaled upperparts when in juvenile plumage |
The above images show Turnstones still in full summer plumage in late
summer and still to moult into their drab winter plumage although the
feathers on the wing are is always a delight to see these colourful
chunky waders |
A Turnstone in late summer in transition to winter plumage with most of the
chestnut feathering moulted and black and white on the head being replaced with
brown winter plumage |
This is probably a female Turnstone in late summer showing a less well
marked head pattern and less colourful upperpart plumage |
Probable female (left) and male (right) Turnstones |
Turnstones are mainly seen at Farmoor on their autumn migration when they
are often returning adults still in their colourful breeding plumage.
Grey Phalarope
Now virtually an annual autumn visitor to Farmoor.They are usually juveniles
in varying stages of transition from the brown of juvenile plumage to
the grey and white of first winter.Occasionally more than one will arrive at the
same time and exceptionally an adult will visit the reservoir |
Red necked Phalarope
A rare visitor to Oxfordshire let alone Farmoor. This juvenile graced Farmoor
for a few days in autumn 2017 much to everyone's delight as it allowed
very close views as it fed on the water. They are more delicate than a
Grey Phalarope but equally hardy
Please click on any of the above images to view a larger version
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