I doubt there will be another winter like this in in my lifetime concerning Hawfinches, so I determined to make the most of it and made a return trip to Romsey today, buoyed with enthusiasm after my success with the Hawfinches there last Wednesday.
Today was virtually identical to the day last week when I travelled to Romsey, in that I left my home on a clear and frosty night, still in the dark at 6am, traversed roads south that were again uncongested despite it being a working Monday, arriving at Mercer Way, the unprepossessing road in an unremarkable housing estate two hours later on a cold and sunny morning and under similar blue skies. Even one of the same photographers from last week, with many thousands of pounds of equipment was again in situ at the end of the earthen track already eyeing the 'sacred' puddle. We briefly bid each other good morning before he and his equipment disappeared under some camouflaged netting for the rest of the day.
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Cammo Man! |
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The earthen track and the puddle with the copse on the right |
Robin |
Woodpigeon |
Slowly the numbers of birders and photographers built up until there were well over double the number that were here last time, all standing or sitting around me. I suppose it is inevitable that with the rapid and widespread dissemination of information and photos on social media any site such as this will soon become well known and popular.Today there were just too many of us in my opinion and I felt certain this would deter any birds coming to the puddle and regrettably so it proved to be.
Not even the ever present Chaffinches came to drink and shuffle about on the track which was quite unlike last time. A Goldfinch dropped down to drink from the puddle but immediately fled on seeing all of us ranged nearby across the track.
Birders and/or photographers,You can never tell which these days as everyone seems to have a camera now |
Everyone despite the endless wait was well behaved and kept silent for the most part but as the hours passed it was becoming increasingly obvious that the birds were not coming to the puddle.There had been a lot of rain on the weekend so probably they had more puddles to choose from and that were less exposed. There was also a lot more disturbance from the general public than last week and I realised that this week was half term for the local schools as evidenced by numerous kids on bikes or messing around on the playground equipment and consequently making quite a lot of noise.The dog walkers were also out in force and as per usual there were the occasional spectacular incidences of selfish behaviour vis; A lady despite seeing us stood at the end of the track insisted on walking straight down the track towards us with her labrador, which diverted to sniff at and then bare its teeth at 'Cammo Man' hidden below his netting before owner and dog both moved on. She could quite easily, as others more considerate did, have taken an alternative route.
There were very sporadic visits from Hawfinches to feed on the ground by the edge of the track but always at the far end and they never looked like coming closer, preferring to feed on the edge or in the heart of the narrow copse where undoubtedly they felt more secure.
There were very sporadic visits from Hawfinches to feed on the ground by the edge of the track but always at the far end and they never looked like coming closer, preferring to feed on the edge or in the heart of the narrow copse where undoubtedly they felt more secure.
Distant Hawfinches |
Steve another Oxonbirder had arrived earlier as also had Bob, another friend from Sussex. We rolled our eyes in exasperation.Surely it could not get worse but as if to add to our woe a friendly cat then strolled out of the bushes. Apparently it is somewhat of a celebrity around these parts but I am afraid its celebrity did not save it from our displeasure and it got the message and departed.
After these distractions the wait just went on and on, continuously frustrating. Occasionally I could hear Hawfinches calling but they were up in the tall trees and not about to come anywhere near us. Then it all went very quiet. Noon arrived. I had been here four hours and achieved one reasonable view of a Hawfinch on the ground. One o clock, two o clock came and went and still nothing. Six hours had now passed.
After these distractions the wait just went on and on, continuously frustrating. Occasionally I could hear Hawfinches calling but they were up in the tall trees and not about to come anywhere near us. Then it all went very quiet. Noon arrived. I had been here four hours and achieved one reasonable view of a Hawfinch on the ground. One o clock, two o clock came and went and still nothing. Six hours had now passed.
Standing surrounded by my fellow birders I noticed that some Chaffinches were dropping down from the trees on the other side of the copse to feed in the grass. Just dark shapes but birds nonetheless. My experiences with Hawfinches at Parkend in the Forest of Dean told me that where the Chaffinches came down to feed so also might the Hawfinches, the two seem to go together in winter where they are both present.
The other side of the narrow small copse was the other main area that was meant to be a good place to look for and watch the Hawfinches but up to now it had also been heavily disturbed by dog walkers and some birders who should have known better. By now I had determined to leave but decided that I would make my exit via the other side of the copse which was less than fifty metres away. Well you never know. Last time I was here there was a Hawfinch feeding with the Chaffinches in the grass under the trees at that very spot.
The other side of the narrow small copse was the other main area that was meant to be a good place to look for and watch the Hawfinches but up to now it had also been heavily disturbed by dog walkers and some birders who should have known better. By now I had determined to leave but decided that I would make my exit via the other side of the copse which was less than fifty metres away. Well you never know. Last time I was here there was a Hawfinch feeding with the Chaffinches in the grass under the trees at that very spot.
Quietly I bade farewell to Steve and Bob and walked the short distance to the far side of the copse. A dozen Chaffinches were feeding in the grass just below the overhanging cherry trees but there was no Hawfinch with them this time. I was, however, entirely on my own so waited quietly to see if anything would happen as I could hear Hawfinches calling all around me. It did, A dog walker walked straight over the grass fully aware of my presence and the Chaffinches fled into the trees!
With patience and forebearance now about running on empty I was about to give in when I heard the familar tzik tzik call of a Hawfinch and one flew over my head, a hazy impression of bulk, coloured orange and brown with white wing bars and a white tipped tail, to settle in a cherry tree and then miraculously, the same bird, a superb male, dropped full square into the grass not thirty feet from me.
With patience and forebearance now about running on empty I was about to give in when I heard the familar tzik tzik call of a Hawfinch and one flew over my head, a hazy impression of bulk, coloured orange and brown with white wing bars and a white tipped tail, to settle in a cherry tree and then miraculously, the same bird, a superb male, dropped full square into the grass not thirty feet from me.
Then yet another dog walker walked straight across the grass towards the Hawfinch and Chaffinches and flushed all the birds.What is it with these people? They know absolutely what we birders are doing and can see us clearly but apparently they feel they have the privilege to go wherever they wish without any consideration. It really does annoy me as it is totally unnecessary and by now everyone from the housing estate knows why the birders are here.
I went back to the other birders, who were still maintaining a dogged and unsuccessful vigil by the puddle and whispered to Steve about the Hawfinch I had just seen and suggested he come to my new location but delay his departure for a few minutes otherwise everyone would follow and we would have the same situation as currently existed by the puddle. Steve duly arrived five minutes later and Bob a few minutes after that. Sadly no more Hawfinches came down onto the grass but they did come into the trees close by and onto the leaf litter nearby in the copse and we got some prolonged and very good views of what appeared to be exclusively males. To my mind the Hawfinches here are more tolerant of disturbance than is usual with this species. Possibly it is because they encounter people so regularly in such a small space that they have learnt to be less fearful.
Oh! and one last snippet to put the icing on the cake, so to speak. While watching the Hawfinches in the trees a tiny bird flitted briefly at eye level around some ivy hanging from a tree trunk. Goldcrest? No, it looked too bright and checking in my bins I laid eyes on a Firecrest, surely one of the most beautiful of all British birds but today coming a distinct second to a Hawfinch.
You're addicted, man! :oD Here's to a good session tomorrow! ;o)